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Her Favorite Color Was Yellow

Title Her Favorite Color Was Yellow
Writer Edgar Holmes (Author)
Date 2024-12-25 19:44:06
Type pdf epub mobi doc fb2 audiobook kindle djvu ibooks
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Her Favorite Color Was Yellow is Edgar Holmes' debut collection of poetry. It is an ode to his muse, his all-consuming love, his everything- how it feels to find love, lose it, and get it back. Pour yourself some coffee and curl up with this book to let yourself feel something beautiful and true. • Edgar Holmes' second poetry book, For When She's Feeling Blue, is available now. • [email protected] Read more


This book was cute and the love he has for his wife you can tell in infinite but this book is not for everyone. This book is not for the people who are struggling to love and be loved. This book is not for the people struggling in a relationship and questioning their sense of self. This book is for people who are in the honeymoon phase of a relationship or are about to embark on their wedding day. This book can be considered disgustingly romantic but I love it. I would love to have a man in my life that loves me like he loves her. I think all of us woman should strive for a match like this. Overall, a good book and plan to read the rest of the series (once I am in happier place in my life).

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